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Вышел из печати спецвыпуск «A Symbiosis of Russian Literature and Philosophy» журнала «Studies in East European Thought», посвященный проекту РНФ №17-18-01432-П «Русская литература и философия: пути взаимодействия». Приглашенным редактором номера выступила Е.А. Тахо-Годи. В выпуске опубликованы работы участников проекта. До конца февраля 2021 г. все статьи номера находятся в свободном доступе и их можно скачать с сайта издательства «Springer»: http://ow.ly/Zkk830rvcTk

 В дальнейшем статьи номера будут доступны по следующим активным ссылкам (shareable link):

1. Elena A. Takho-GodiThe interactions between literature and philosophy: a view from Russia // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 195–203.

2. Andrey P. Dmitriyev. Aleksey Khomyakov’s unknown essay on the Austrian Slavs (1845) and his poetry: the interplay of historiosophical ideas and poetic prophetism // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 205–215.

3. Tatiana Kasatkina. The two-fold image and philosophy of personality in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 217–226.

4. Sergei A. Kibalnik. “If there is a God, then anything is permitted” (Dostoevsky’s meta-theme in Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic interpretation) // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 227–239.

5. Elizaveta Zakharova. The philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov as the subject matter of Yuri Govorukha‑Otrok’s literary criticism // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 241–251.

6. Olga Shalygina. Time category in Anton Chekhov's deep poetics // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 253–267.

7. Evgeny R. Ponomarev. Lev Shestov and Ivan Bunin: Existential insight into Russian literature // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 269–278.

8. Yulia Yu. Anokhina. “Snovidets Mnemoziny”: dreaming of Mnemosyne: Evgeny Boratynsky’s poetry in Vyacheslav Ivanov’s aesthetics // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 279–290.

9. Anton V. Filatov. Philosophical foundations of Acmeism: Nikolay Gumilyov, Osip Mandelstam, and the figure of Adam // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 291–301.

10. Svetlana SeryoginaNikolai Klyuev’s early works as the poetry of “social Christianity” // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 303–312.

11. Elena A. Takho-Godi. Yuly Aykhenvald: In Search of Aesthetic and Historiosophical Harmony // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 313–331.

12. Anastasia G. Gacheva. The writing of Cosmist philosophers A.K. Gorsky, N.A. Setnitsky and V.N. Muravyov as a synthesis of literature and philosophy // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 333–349.

13. Natalia V. MikhalenkoImages and symbols of ancient civilizations in the works of Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Alexander Chayanov in the context of the literary and philosophical process of the late 19th – early 20th centuries // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 351–362.

14. Konstantin ZenkinMusic as a subject of discussion in A.F. Losev’s philosophical prose // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 363–376.

15. Oleg A. Korostelev. Lev Shestov and the ‘Paris Note’ // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 377–387.

16. Aleksei F. Losev. The Woman Thinker / Transl. by Vladimir L. Marchenkov // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 389–399.

17. Andrei D. StepanovFrom Realism to Symbolism: writing on transitional period. Review of: Elena A. Takho-Godi (ed.), Predsimvolizm: liki i otrazheniia [Pre-Symbolism faces and facets] Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2020, 542 pages, 1028 ₽, ISBN: 978-5-9208-0607-9 // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 401–406.

18. Alexei Alexeevich Kara-Murza. Review of: Olga Zhukova, An essay on Russian culture: philosophy of history, literature and art. Moscow: “Soglasie” Publisher house, 2019. 588 pages. Hardcover: ISBN 978-5-907038-50-9, € 17 // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 407–411.

19. Evert van der Zweerde. Review of: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, “Tolstoy’s Political Thought; Christian Anarcho-Pacifist Iconoclasm Then and Now” // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 413–416.

20. Kåre Johan Mjør. Review of Caryl Emerson, George Pattison and Randall A. Poole (eds.): The Oxford handbook of Russian religious thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Xxviii + 712 pages. Hardcover: ISBN 978-0-19-879644-2, £110.00 // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 417–421.

21. Vladimir Marchenkov, Igor VishnevetskyIn memoriam (Robert Bird) // Studies in East European Thought. 2020. Vol. 72. Issue 3-4. P. 423–425.