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Миненок Е


1988 – закончила филологический факультет Московского государственного университета им. М. В. Ломоносова, курсовая работа "Стилистическая эволюция поэтики севернорусских сказок, собранных А. И. Никифоровым", Москва, 1988

1988-1991 – аспирантура отдела фольклора Института мировой литературы Российской академии наук.

1998 – защита кандидатской диссертации с присуждением степени кандидат филологических наук, диссертация "Текстология русских народных необрядовых песен (аспекты комплексного подхода)“ (руководитель – профессор В.М. Гацак)


Место работы

С 1991 по настоящее время - старший научный сотрудник отдела фольклора Института мировой литературы им. А.М. Горького Российской академии наук.

1991-1993 – преподаватель русского языка как иностранного в Высшем театральном институте имени М.С. Щепкина (Москва)

Автор более 70 научных публикаций по фольклористической проблематике.


Научная проблематика: текстология фольклора, народная песня, народные традиции в иноэтничном окружении, формирование фольклорной традиции в переселенческих деревнях, фольклорные произведения в переводах.

1991-2024 – выступала с докладами более чем на 100 международных конференциях по фольклору и этнографии.



Курсы по русскому и восточнославянскому фольклору и этнографии в различных международных университетах.

2021-2024 – лекционные курсы по фольклору в Сколковском институте науки и технологий «Сколтехе»

2023 по настоящее время - преподаватель русского языка как иностранного в Сколковском институте науки и технологий «Сколтехе»



Руководитель более 100 международных фольклорных экспедиций в различные регионы России, Беларуси, Казахстана и Украины.



Переводы статей с фольклорными текстами:

  • Toporkov A.L. Sisisnius’ legend in folklore and handwritten traditions of Eurasia and Africa (Outcomes and Perspectives of reserach) // Studia Litterarum. 2019. Т. 4.№ 2. С. 312-341.
  • Agapkina T., Toporkov A. The Structure and Genesis of One Type of Magic Spell against Children’s Insomnia among Slavic Peoples // Folklore, 2020. T. 80. Pp. 35-46.
  • Andrei Toporkov, ‘The Image of Toska (Melancholy) in Russian Love Spells’ // Janet M. Hartley and Denis J. B. Shaw (eds), Magic, Texts and Travel: Homage to a Scholar, Will Ryan, SGECR, London, 2021. pp. 100–


Публикации последних лет

Е. В. Миненок. Народная песня как «свидетель» этнической истории потомков столыпинских переселенцев. Традиционная культура, 2022. Т. 23. № 3. С. 47-59.

Е. В. Миненок. Тема страха в нарративах потомков столыпинских переселенцев. Традиционная культура, 2021. Т. 22. № 2. С. 81-90.

Е. В. Миненок. Динамика фольклорных традиций в «украинских» и «белорусских» переселенческих селах Восточной Сибири. В сб. III Всероссийский конгресс фольклористов. Сборник научных статей: в 5 томах. 2019. С. 531-537.

Е. В. Миненок. Экспериментальный вектор фольклористики // Фольклор. Традиция и эксперимент. Москва, 2018. С. 7-20.



1983 – graduated from English specialized school N45 in Moscow

1983-1988 – the student of Folklore Department of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov

1988 – M. A. in Folklore, thesis "The Stylistic evolution of Russian fairy-tales poetics in The Northern-Russian fairy-tales collected by A. I. Nikiforov, Moscow, 1988

1988-1991 – post-graduate studies at Folklore Department of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

1998 – Ph.D. in Folklore, thesis "The Textology of Russian Folk Non-Ritual Songs (the aspects of the complex method)“ 


Working places:

1991 to present - a senior research scientist at the Folklore Department of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), Curator of Folklore Archive


1991-1993 – a teacher of Russian as a foreign language at the High Theater Institute named after M. S. Shchepkin (Moscow)


The author of more than 70 scientific publications.

1991-2024 – gave papers at more than 100 conferences on folklore and ethnography, including conferences in the USA and Latvia.



Teaching Experience:


Harvard University (Massachusetts), Committee on Degrees in Folklore & Mythology

Brown University (Rhode Island), Department of Slavic Languages

University of Massachusetts Amherst (Massachusetts), Departments of Comparative Literature


University of Colorado at Boulder (Colorado), Department of Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures

University of South California (California), College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Pomona College (California), Russian Department


University of Lexington (Kentucky), Department of Russian and Eastern Studies and Linguistics


University of Lexington (Kentucky), Department of Russian and Eastern Studies and Linguistics. The Fulbright grant for the course Russian folk culture as a reflection of traditional mentality (using examples of visual and oral forms of folklore) (spring semester, 2007)


Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences) - lectures for American interns


Lecture course “Witches and healers”, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, fall semester (USA)


Lecture course “Russian Traditional Culture” (Russia, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)


Lecture course “Russian Traditional Culture” (Russia, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)

January 2022 till nowadays - a senior teacher of Russian as a foreign language at Skoltech (Moscow)

Principal Investigator (leader) of expeditions:


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Ludinovskii region, villages: Manino, Pogost, Usokhi, Buda.

1990 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Pedagogical Institute of Orekhovo-Zuevo

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Ludinovskii region, villages: Manino, Kretovka, Voilovo.

1990 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Ludinovskii region, villages: Voilovo, Verbezhichi, Savino.

1991 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Ludinovskii region, villages: Voilovo, Savino.

1991 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Ludinovskii region, villages: Bukan’, Andreevy-Paliki, Manino, Pogost.


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Ludinovskii region, villages: Bukan’, Chornyi Potok.


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Ludinovskii region, villages: Pechki, Kosmachevo, Voilovo.


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support – www.earthwatch.org

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Kuibyshevskii region, villages: Troitskoye, Ludinovskii region, Villages: Chornyi Potok, Ignatovka, Krutoe, Voilovo, Savino, Manino


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support Itinerary: Briansk province, Rognedinskii region, villages: Snopot, Osovik.


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support Itinerary: Brianskaia province, Rognedinskii region, villages: Piatnitskoie, Krutitsy, Snopot, Staroe Khotmirovo.

1998 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Kuibyshevskii region, villages: Kuz’minichi, Prohody.

1998 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Smolenskaia province, Roslavlskii region, villages: Krapivna, Khachovka, Shui, Saveievo, Koniaty, Zabolotie, Turboiovka, Klin, Gorbachovka.


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support Itinerary: Kaluga province, Kuibyshevskii region, villages: Troytskoie, Dubrovki, Lazinki, Panovka.

2000 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Kirovskii region, Iakimovo village.

2000 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Smolensk province, Roslavlskii region, villages: Krapivna, Kokhany, Koski, Syrokoreniie.

2002 (winter)

Russian Folklore Expedition project – www.russianexpedition.net

Itinerary: Smolensk province, Roslavlskii region, Krapivna,village

2002 (summer)

Russian Folklore Expedition project

Itinerary: Smolensk province, Roslavlskii region, Krapivna,village,

Yelnya district, villages: Bogdanovo, Novospasskoye

2003 (summer)

Russian Folklore Expedition project

Itinerary: Smolensk province, Yelnya district, villages: Lipnya, Novospasskoye

Irkutsk province, Zima region, Maslyanogorsk village

2004 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support – www.earthwatch.org

Itinerary: Smolensk province, Yelnya region, Sharapovo village

2004 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Bryansk province, Zhukov disrict, villages: Grishina Sloboda, Ovstug, Smolensk province, Yershichi district, Luzhnaya village, Volgograd province, Alekseev district, Kumylzhenskii district, Irkutsk province, Zima region, Maslyanogorsk village, Kimiltei village

2005 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Bryansk province, Zhukov disrict, villages: Ovstug, Smolensk province, Yershichi district, Sukromlya village, Volgograd province, Alekseev district, Kumylzhenskii district, Irkutsk province, Zima region, Novo-Letniki (a Chuvash village)

2006 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Smolensk province, Yershichi district, Luzhnaya village,

2006 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Bryansk province, Zhukov disrict, villages: Grishina Sloboda, Olsufievo, Rzhanitsa, Volgograd province, Alekseev district, stanitsa Ust-Buzuluk,

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences) Itinerary: Irkutsk province, Zima region, Batama (a Ukrainian village).

2007 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Volgograd province, Novoannenskii district, Novoannenskii town; Bryansk province, Zhiryatino district, Morachiovo village; Volgograd province, Novoannenskii district, Filonovskaya stanitsa; Ukraine (Krapivnya village); Ukraine: Volodar-Volnskii district, Gatskivka village

2007 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts) for financial support

Itinerary: Smolensk province, Yershichi district, Rukhan vilage.

2008 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Irkutsk province, Zima region, Batama (a Ukrainian village), Ukraine: Volodar-Volnskii district, Krapivnya, Gatskivka village

2009 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Smolensk province, Yershichi district, Rukhan village; Ukraine: Volodar-Volynskii district, Krapivnya village; Karelia, Sortavala district, Khaapalampi village.

2010 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support                                                               

Itinerary: Volgograd province, Serafimovich district, Rybnyi khutor; Irkutsk province, Ust-Ordynskii region, Turgenevka village; Karelia, Sortavala district, Kaalamo village.

2011 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Liudinovo district, Verbezhichi village.


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Irkutsk province, Zima region, Verkh-Oka village


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Belarus, Brest province, Sporovo village.

2014 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Kaluga province, Liudinovo town

2014 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Belarus, Brest province, Sporovo village.


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Irkutsk province, Ust-Orda district, Akhiny village

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: Belarus, Brest province, Ivanovskii district, Lyadovichi village.


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Kamchatka, Milkovo village  


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Kamchatka, Milkovo village

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Irkutsk province, Ust-Orda district, Akhiny village

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: Belarus, Brest province, Ivanovskii district, Lyadovichi village.

2018 (winter)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Nizhnii Novgorod, Voskresensk district, Vladimirskoe village

2018 (summer)

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Irkutsk province, Zalari district, Zhiznevka village


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary: Nizhnii Novgorod, Pervomaisk district, Shutilovo village

Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by American Friends of Russian Folklore (USA, California) for financial support

Itinerary:Altai Republic, Shebalin district, village Shebalino


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences), approved by

Partnership for Russian, Eurasian and East European Folklore (Formerly American Friends of Russian Folklore) for financial support - https://preeef.org/

Itinerary: villages of Shebalin district of Altai Republic


Expedition of the Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Itinerary: villages of Zalari and Zima districts of Irkutsk province


Expedition of Pavlodar University (Republic of Kazakhstan), approved by


Partnership for Russian, Eurasian and East European Folklore (Formerly American Friends of Russian Folklore) for financial support - https://preeef.org/

Itinerary: villages of Cheremshanka Glubokovskii district of Eastern Kazakhstan province (Republic of Kazakhstan)



Since 1998 – American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS)

Since 1999 - Slavic and East European Folklore Association (SEEFA)

Since 2007 - American Friends of Russian Folklore, Director of the Board - Partnership for Russian, Eurasian and East European Folklore (Formerly American Friends of Russian Folklore) - https://preeef.org/

Grants and awards:

1993 - Russian Academy of Sciences (Council of Young scholars), project “Video recording of Russian folk songs” (in cooperation with Sergey Minyonok)

1995 - 2000- Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts), project “Folklore of Rural Russia” (in cooperation with Sergey Minyonok)

1997 1998 -  Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (RGNF), project “Musical traditions of Desna-river”

2004-2007 - Earthwatch Institute (USA, Massachusetts), Music and Folklore of Russian Villages - http://www.earthwatch.org/site/pp2.asp?c=dsJSK6PFJnH&b=1170775 - (in cooperation with Dr. Andrey Kabanov)

2007 - The Fulbright grant for the course Russian folk culture as a reflection of traditional mentality (using examples of visual and oral forms of folklore) (spring semester, 2007)

2012 – Russian Academy of Sciences grant for electronic archive of the Institute of World Literature

2013-2015 – RGNF grant “Dynamics of Folklore Traditions (comparative analysis of folklore traditions recorded in "motherland" villages of Russian, Ukraine and Belarus and in the villages that were settled by "stolypin" Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus migrants)”. The project is devoted to the question of dynamics of folklore traditions in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus villages that were settled in the Eastern Siberia during the Stolypin Agrarian Reform (1906-1917) and their "motherland" villages in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Ukraine, Belarus and western districts of Russia left their motherland forever and went to far-away, unknown Siberia. The main purpose of this movement was to fundamentally change their lives for the better. In the thick forest, immigrants built houses, churches, and schools, and one hundred years later several hundred of these picturesque villages are left to us as our national heritage. In these villages, descendants of the immigrants continue to live by the strong farmers' way and they continue to sing authentic folklore songs of their ancestors and tell mythological stories about spirits of nature and spirits of house. They have managed to preserve cultural heritage of their ancestors.
The folklore repertoire of "new" settlements and "motherland" villages are compared and the effects of time and geography on the dynamics of musical and narrative traditions are investigated.

2014-2015 – Russian-American Educators' Project, leader of folklore expeditions, sponsored by the US/Russia Peer-to-Peer Dialog Program - http://moscow.usembassy.gov/us-russiadialogue-proj.html

Research problems: the textology of folklore, folk songs, folk traditions located in other ethnic environment, the dynamic of folklore traditions in migrant villages, folklore texts in translations.



Translation of articles with folklore texts:

  • Toporkov A.L. Sisisnius’ legend in folklore and handwritten traditions of Eurasia and Africa (Outcomes and Perspectives of reserach) // Studia Litterarum. 2019. Т. 4.№ 2. С. 312-341.
  • Agapkina T., Toporkov A. The Structure and Genesis of One Type of Magic Spell against Children’s Insomnia among Slavic Peoples // Folklore. 2020. V. 80. Pp. 35-46.
  • Andrei Toporkov, ‘The Image of Toska (Melancholy) in Russian Love Spells’ // Janet M. Hartley and Denis J. B. Shaw (eds), Magic, Texts and Travel: Homage to a Scholar, Will Ryan, SGECR, London, 2021. pp. 100–


Recent Publications

  • Minyonok Ye. V. A Folk Song as a ‘Witness’ to the Ethnic History of the Descendants of Stolypin Migrants. Traditional Culture. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 3. Pp. 47– In Russian.
  • Minyonok Ye. V. The Theme of Fear in Folklore Narratives by Descendants of

Stolypin Migrants to Eastern Siberia. Traditional Culture. 2021 Vol. 22 No. 2 Pp. 81–90. In Russian.

  • V. Minyonok. The dynamics of folklore traditions in the "Ukrainian" and "Belarusian" resettlement villages of Eastern Siberia. In the collection of the III All-Russian Congress of Folklorists. Collection of articles: in 5 volumes. 2019. pp. 531-537.
  • V. Minyonok. Experimental vector in folklore studies // Folklore. Tradition and experiment. Moscow, 2018. pp. 7-20.